Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Research - Mad Men

From looking at the period setting of "Tinker Tailor Solider Spy", I have gone on to look at "Mad Men". The series is set in the 1960s, so have a different style to the 70's set "Tinker...", but maintains the same level of period detail.
During it's production time "Mad Men" has become well know for its portrayal of 1960's American life. One of my favourite aspects of the show its it's flawless interior design. As with "Tinker...", "Mad Men" brings it's time period to life. The main settings of the show are the offices of the Sterling Cooper Advertising agency, and the home of main character Don Draper.

Whereas "Tinker..." had a drab, foreboding aesthetic,  "Mad Men"'s style is far more bright and optimistic. These office interiors have all the correct period features, drawing the viewer into the world of the character. As the setting is so believable, the characters who inhabit them too become believable. These sets show a functional environment, but also one that is a product of it's time.

Set against the stylish functionality of the office environment, are the home interiors of "Mad Men". The home of Don and Betty Draper is a perfect image of 1960's life. I admire the detail of these home interiors as the viewer is able to gain a real sense of story from them, and learn more about it's characters. Whereas Don has a very minimalist office space (in order to distance his personal life from work), his home has more personal features, creating an environment that could be inhabited by a 1960's family.

The period details in "Mad Men" are very impressive. As a set design, they are able to give the viewer an accurate impression of the time, as well as creating a believable backdrops for the series' many characters. 

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