Thursday, 13 October 2011

Story Ideas

The next process of my process is to create a story to fit within my environment. The idea I currently have involves a person sneaking around the deserted house, being scared off by something in the room.

The story in greater detail:

A man enters the derelict interior of the house. He is scared, and is darting his torch around the room. He begins to sneak about the house, until he hears a creak coming from the second floor. He is really scared now, but his sense of curiosity overcomes this. The man cautiously sneaks on tip toes up the stairs. When he reaches the top, he peaks over the top stair, shining his torch across the landing. Seeing there is nothing there but moths, he gives a sign of relief. Suddenly, a huge threatening shadow looms over the walls. The man is petrified with fright, screaming in terror, and running from the house. The camera moves across the landing, showing that the terrifying shadow comes from a mischievous mouse. The mouse is rolling around with laughter, and is joined by a ghost laughing with him. The mouse sees the ghost, who waves happily at him. The mouse is as terrified and the man was of him, and runs off in terror. The ghost is left, alone, with a disappointed look on his face.

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